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Pry Icon Pack Installer for Windows 8/8.1



This is a 1-click Windows 8 System Icon Pack Installer. It is to be installed using 7tsp. 7tsp is a System File Patcher which allows you to customize Windows in a simple way with just few mouse clicks. Although primarily a Windows 7 patcher, 7tsp also works properly on Windows 8. This is a Universal Installer and will work on both 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) systems.


Backup your system and create a restore point before patching. Note that the packs are to be loaded directly into 7tsp in 7zip format. Do not unpack the Icon Packs. Everything is explained in the 7tsp Tutorial


Pry Light Icon Pack for Windows 8/8.1

Pry Dark Icon Pack for Windows 8/8.1


:iconjr050680: :iconbinassmax:


Icons Live Folders: fav.me/d3knd8l fav.me/d3knh3f


The Pack is tested thoroughly and it works properly. Unlike other installers; 7tsp doesn't replace the entire system files. It just replaces the icons in the system files so the chances of files getting corrupt are minimal. And since 7tsp doesn't replace your system files, the customization won't be affected by Windows Updates.

More Icon Packs for Windows 8/8.1
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These are very clean looking , sharp , simple thank you